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Benevento Concrete pour on Rt. 2 over I-95 bridge deck a success!

On Saturday March 19th, Benevento Concrete supplied 671 cubic yards of High Performance Concrete to SPS New England for the Phase 2 bridge deck replacement, Lexington: Rt 2 Over I-95 Bridge Project.

The concrete was High Performance Concrete and was lab tested and monitored by Benevento’s Quality Control team during the pour to maintain the concrete in a plastic state for the duration of the 11-hour pour.  The bridge deck pour was a major milestone for the project, according to Matthew McCue, Project Manager for SPS New England. “On behalf of SPS, I wanted to take a moment and thank everyone for their recent efforts contributing to the Lexington: Rt 2 Over I-95 Bridge Project. “

“On Saturday, SPS successfully completed the Phase 2 deck placement.  This is a major milestone for the project and represents the culmination of all the hard work put forth by the entire project team; to design and construct this bridge structure.  Your support in preparing for and executing your individual components of work over the past month, while meeting the aggressive schedule, is what allowed Saturday to be the successful day that it was for the project” said McCue in an email to Benevento’s Concrete Division.